My dad was diagnosed with Breast Cancer about 2 1/2 years ago. It was something you always hear of people having, but never thought it would happen to your family, and definately not to a man in your family. But it happened to us.
And so it is with Breast Cancer....there is no rhyme or reason to who it will affect, or when. That is why it is so so so important to regularly check yourself and your husband. Before my Dad, it never even occured to me that men get breast cancer.
Most women have normal lumps and bumps in their brest tissue. Lumps that feel hard are not normal. Pain isn't typically associated with Cancerous masses, so don't think you're safe because it doesn't hurt.
One of my big goals is to participate in a
Breast Cancer 3-Day event.
(from the website)
"Thousands of women and men will unite in cities across the country and walk 60 miles over the course of three days. It's a weekend of hope, as we honor lives lost, celebrate survivors, promote breast cancer research, and help bring breast cancer care to those who so desperately need it.
Net proceeds from the Breast Cancer 3-Days benefit the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation to fund breast cancer research and community outreach, as well as the National Philanthropic Trust Breast Cancer Fund, to provide an endowment for breast cancer initiatives."
My sisters and I are planning to do one together hopefully next year. I think it will be a great experience.
So what are you still doing here?? Go have your mammies grammed....and I'll step off my soapbox.
ps don't forget your men.
ok really off the box now. :)