Thursday, January 11, 2007

a mother in training

Alexis has always the motherly type. Perhaps it's because she was only 13 months old when she had to make room for a sibling. Maybe it's being the oldest child. Whatever the reason, it's times like today when it tugs at my heart at the love she shows her siblings.
David is sick with RSV and croup and has been pretty miserable today. He has basically sat in my arms dozing off and on most of the day. When I was trying to make dinner, I had to put him down and he was fussy. So without saying anything, she picked him up and just held him. Pretty soon she was calling me into the living room to show me this:

She is always so happy that she could help out, particularly with David and Haley who are younger. Robby is a little older and doesn't need as much "mothering" although she's been known to mother him around from time to time. :)


Anonymous said...

awwww...that poor little guy!

She has always been the little mother! What a sweet picture, I hope he is feeling better soon!

Anonymous said...

Oh, that is just the sweetest thing ever!!

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOODNESS!! That picture is so precious!! What a great big sister she is!

Anonymous said...

Precious is right.

I love that my kids love each other. I have a little "mother" too.

Its beautiful.

Anonymous said...

too sweet! definately a photo to show them years down the road.

I hope that he gets well soon!

Anonymous said...

awww look at his cheeks! I love the mothering trait. She'll make a great mom someday.