Monday, January 1, 2007

Goals for '07

After reading several blogs about resolutions or goals being made for this new year, I decided that I might as well do the same!

1. Lose at least steps right??
2. Read at least 4 non-kid books...wait do those even exist anymore?! Might have to go to the library, I don't think I have any.
3. Learn to sew better--i know i know...practice makes perfect. :P
4. Make a blanket or afghan for myself. I've made several for other people, and even Rob commented that it'd be nice for US to have one. heh. He says that but I don't see him pickin' up a crochet hook now do i?! ;0)
5. Be a better cook. I struggle with fixing the same old foods week in and week out.
6. Learn to step out of my shy nutshell and be more aggresive for the things I want.
7. Learn to say NO. (ok not all the time, but I have a hard time EVER saying no.)

So there you have it, 7 goals for '07 (how cheesy, right?!)


Anonymous said...

i like that goal....7 in '07! I think they are great ambitions to accomplish. Keep them posted somewhere that you will see them and cross them off when you accomplish them! I am going to do my goals for '07 on my blog, htanks for the inspiration!

Anonymous said...

woot woot. Great goals.
Happy New year.