To help me achieve the goals I've made this year, here are 30 things that I want to accomplish this year. To read more "30 things" go to
1. I will practice the piano much more often.
2. I will go on more outings with my kids.
3. I will make cards for birthdays for loved ones--and send them out
4. I will make a blanket for ME.
5. I will hopefully start a photog business, or at least be closer to that goal.
6. I will make strawberry jam.
7. I will drink more water.
8. I will make more time for each of my children independently.
9. I will plan a romantic getaway for my husband and I.
10. I will do Family Home Evening.
11. I will read the BOM.
12. I will make time for friends. (which is never easy when you have small children, let alone 4 small children).
13. I will go to bed earlier so I can get up earlier without complaint (HA!--no promises).
14. I will learn to cook healthier for the whole family.
15. I will call my mom more just to chat. (I know she's probably thinking...Ohhhh great LOL).
16. I will have more pictures framed and on my walls.
17. I will take more pictures.
18. I will start a school scrapbook for Lexi.
19. I will learn to say no.--always a work in progress for me
20. I will sing more (no american idol auditions from me, but I love to sing, especially to my kids).
21. I will go puddle jumping with my kids.
22. I will keep up with my laundry, even tho I hate it.
23. I will make my bed when I get out of it in the mornings (well unless Rob is still in it).
24. I will make curtains for the house.
25. I will learn to sew better.
26. I will laugh more.
27. I will blog more. :D
28. I will exercise more.
29. I will try something new.
30. I will jump up and down 30 times if I get everything done LOL!