Thursday, June 15, 2006

ohh the knowledge...

Ohhhh have I mentioned lately that I love my kids!? Because I REALLY do. I looooove them to the moon and back. I have learned such valuable lessons from these wonderful beings that I feel compelled to share my knowledge with you.

1. The human head can be stronger than walls, hardwood floors, concrete, empty swimming pools, or even other people's heads and other misc. body parts. From my experience, the male children seem to have the most non destructable head, THANK HEAVENS....although my other male test subject is still too little to test on. :P

2. Most plastic toys float in the toilet. Money does not. (well unless you're talking about paper money....)

3. Baby swings will hold more than their weight limit. They might have trouble swinging quite right, but....

4. Cereal when spilled and dried, becomes almost like cement.

5. Crayon does come off most surfaces....although I've never had good results once they've gone through the washer and dryer. Especially the red...ooof.

6. Kids will do anything for a buck.

7. Noodles can get put up a 2 year old's nose and will start to stink if you don't realize it. (bleeechhh).

8. Kids are willing to try ANYTHING that you are eating...

Hmm I think that's all I've got for now. Think of all the knowledge I'd never have had I not had kids. :)


Anonymous said...

LOL oh girl - aren't you glad you're a mommy - all the things you didn't know you needed to know! LOL I love ya

Anonymous said...

YOU FIXED IT! The page looks awesome!

Anonymous said...

LOL my little guy does that with his head too! Those are all so true.

BTW, your layout looks perfect now, I can finally comment, woohoo!