There have been times when each one of my kids have been out of sorts or whatever it is, at bedtime. It seems to only be one kid at a time. So, we've always just brought them wherever we are...usually in bed watching TV. I have to admit, I do love when it happens, although I'm glad it's not an everyday occurance. Having 4 kids so close in age often makes me wonder if I spend enough one on one time with each of them. Someone is always needing me to do something and does someone get overlooked? Will they all require counseling when they are older from not getting enough attention and love out of me? I sure hope not, and I continually try to make more time for one on one. So, when one of the kids comes and snuggles with us for that extra half hour or hour, I really love it. It seems to me that they just NEEDED it, and once it's time for them to go back to bed, there isn't any fight, and they fall asleep with ease.
Speaking of kids, I can't believe my little man is almost 6 months old. Time has really flown by. He is starting to sit unassisted, he rolls everywhere and has gotten up on his hands and knees a couple times. Obviously he didn't get the memo that he has to stay a baby forever. WAH! I made a siggy featuring my lil fat man. :0)

And finally, if you're looking for an uplifting post, I urge you to read Lammy's "What my children teach me about God" post. She has such a way with words. Really an uplifting post. :)
Aww, he's getting cuter and cuter everytime I see a new pic.
So cute, I love the sig!!
Got kids?
No, I get to sleep in! LOL
I love seeing them on your blog, and seeing how big they are getting! WOW!
Erin, I can't believe how big he is. I can't believe that my guy will be like that in a few shot weeks. I'm glad you are back. Hope you had a good time at the beach. Love ya.
I mean short weeks! HA HA HA
awww..... he is getting too big and I'm missing it all! waaah.
ty for the mention....
you are so sweet honeypie
He is such a doll, Erin. I totally agree with you about the one on one time-even though I only have two kids, I still love those times, too.
Erin, just got your blog address from the Jan PG - your children are gorgeous!! And I love your site - it looks great!
Just wanted to say hello!
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