Friday, June 9, 2006

it's my party and i'll cry if i want to ;)

Ever have one of those days where you just want to crawl back under the covers?? Today is my day.
This morning I thought I'd do something for myself, and actually work out (exercise dvd). David was playing in his exersaucer, and the other kids were content to try and work out with mommy. I thought this would be good. Little did I know.
Not far into my workout, David starts crying. So I paused the movie and give him a bottle. Then I start again.
Not much times passes again, when he starts crying again. So once again, I pause the dvd and try to get him to sleep. He decides he just wants to cry. Meanwhile, Haley--who is in the beginning stages of potty training--managed to get her panties off and poop all over her foot and on the floor. *wimper*. Soooo, I put David in his crib because he just won't calm, and I clean up the poop.
I gave up on the workout and took a shower. Calgon??
I keep telling myself tomorrow will be a better day. (which it will since I'm going to an ALL day crop!)


Anonymous said...

Hang in there sweetie. You are so amazing with all those little ones. There is a time and a season for everything including finding the right time to exercise without the so called help from our biggest fans. I love you

Anonymous said...

I hope your day turned out better. I think a day out scrapping would help, wouldnt it?! LOL Wish i could join ya all!

Miss Ya!

Anonymous said...

I HATE those days. I promise that it does pass...

Anonymous said...

Awwww, I can't imagine dealing with all of them. I hope you are having a great time scrapping right now! David is filling my VCR with forks at the moment if that makes you feel any better.... *hugs*