Tuesday, July 18, 2006

What is it about ketchup??

...that little kids just cannot resist? Seriously, my kids seem to be obsessed with ketchup. Tonight we had hotdogs for dinner (so healthy!!) and as we were eating, I watch Lexi. She picked up her hotdog and some of the ketchup brushed onto the plate. Of course she couldn't resist the urge to lick it off her plate. Haley puts ketchup in it's own food group, and I'm quite sure she would eat that by itself if I let her. Robby has been known to actually pick up his plate and lick the remains off it. I don't get it, but I guess there are worse things. :D


Anonymous said...

LOL I loved this post! It's so true! Only a few more days! I miss you girl!

Anonymous said...

LOL I loved this post! It's so true! Only a few more days! I miss you girl!

Anonymous said...

cause its all sugar, that's why they love it!


Anonymous said...

I so know what you mean.... all my boys including Damon love ketchup and think it goes on just about everything.

Anonymous said...

When my not-yet-2-yr-old has already mastered the art of the double dip with her hot dogs into the ketchup... I know we have a problem!! LOL