Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Question of the day

You'd think with 2 kids fully potty trained and 1 more that's about 90% potty trained I'd have a clue what I was doing. But I don't. So I need your help. I have no trouble with daytime potty training. My frustration is with the nighttime. Alexis was pretty easy and just got up at night to go all on her own. Robby had a little harder time. He was completely day trained fairly early but wasn't night trained until about a year ago. He's a heavy sleeper tho and so I just chalked it up him not waking when he needed to go. Haley's been day trained now for close to a year but is still in a diaper at night. And when she wakes up her diaper isn't just a little wet, it's full. I've tried limiting drinks after dinner time and it doesn't seem to help. She has asked a couple times to not wear a diaper at bedtime, and so i let her try. The first time she was dry and I was super excited. But the second and third night she was wet and so we went back to a diaper at bedtime.

Is it just something I have to wait for? Or is there some way to work on her staying dry? Soon David will be starting potty training and I'd sure love to know a better way of working on night training.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am right with you!! I have 4 children, the youngest is 4. I don't really remember all the potty issues for the older ones but my youngest one has been day trained for 1 1/2 years and he WAS night time trained as well. However, the last 3 months have been a battle with him. Some nights he's dry, some he's "damp" and other nights he is soaked! I have tried limited drinking after dinner time, potty before behind, waking him before I go to bed. Nothing works!! Its so unpredictable. But I have him wearing a night time diaper because I am tired of all the extra laundry!! I even took him to the dr. to make sure he didn't have a bladder infection.
Who knows!!
Kristina, Brookville OHio