Monday, February 26, 2007

FIVE it is!

It seems when we said, years ago and newly married, that we wanted FIVE kids, SOMEONE must have been listening. :)

We are about 7 weeks pregnant and due in October. Robby and Haley think it will be a boy, and Lexi is hoping for a girl (surprise there!).

This morning I told Robby that "mommy has a baby in her tummy" and he was excited. A little later, he came back wanting to know HOW that baby got into mommy's tummy. I used my ever so vague "Heavenly Father put it there" answer. Thank goodness it was good enough for him. He's FOUR for crying out loud!

At least he isn't asking HOW that baby will come out!


Anonymous said...

Oh Congrats girlie!
You are going to need a bigger van soon! LOL

Anonymous said...

You too understand the concept that once you past two, it doesn't really matter! I have four and the party never ends! :)

Anonymous said...

YAY!! Congratulations Erin :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! Congrats! :-) (You're on track to beat my parents!!!)

Anonymous said...

Erin, congratulations!!! Why, somehow, am I not surprised? :) Please give Rob my best wishes as well .... (does this mean you have yet another baby book to do?) :)

Anonymous said...

yay! yay! yay!
I'm the luckiest Auntie Ever!

Anonymous said...

So happy for you!!! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Give Robby some time---when the end is near.. he might just ask!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! YOU GO GIRL! (lain is w/lexi... thinking pink!) CONGRATS! You are so blessed! Now if I could get my hubby home so we could start on #1!!!