Monday was my 28th birthday! Another year older, another year feeling exactly the same as I did around oh--13 or so. I'm beginning to think I will always feel like an awkward teenage girl. :D

I've been fortunate enough to be able to share every birthday (and everything else growing up, for that matter) with my twin sister. She is the older twin (which means she will get "old" before me haha!)by two minutes. Sometimes those pesky two minutes were infuriating...when I had to, yet again, do something last because she was older. Of course now, I wouldn't change our order for anything! The baby's got it gooooood!
Growing up, we were always pretty much polar opposites. She had dark brown hair and brown eyes, and I had bright blonde hair (especially in the summer in Arizona) and hazel eyes. And she was always about a whole head taller than me. She was also more the shy one and I the bolder of the two.
We fought like any sisters do. I seem to remember blaming our messy room on her an awful lot. And on one occasion when confronted as to what, out of the whole disaster, was hers, I could only find one thing (although I didn't openly admit that! HA!).
Still, even as we entered junior high and high school, we were still very much opposites. She was into running long distances and playing soccer and those things. I also enjoyed sports, tho none that required so much running. Volleyball and softball were my choices. Eventually she did cross over to the dark side and played volleyball with me. :) Our choices in friends were pretty different too, although our school was so small that we did have some of the same friends as well.
Then, half way through our junior year, we had to move. Not just move to a new city, but to a whole new country. Growing up, we lived mainly overseas. We lived a few years in Arizona but we were little and I think neither of us have any memories of it. We were moving back to the States. More specifically, to Georgia.
We went from our very small high school (around 80 kids per grade), to a huge one with 400-500 kids PER grade. To say it was a bit of culture shock was an understatement. Volleyball wasn't even in the schools system in Georgia yet, so I didn't even that familiarity to lean on as a crutch. But I did have my sister!
What a huge blessing she has been my entire life (even when I didn't realize it). I am so thankful for her constant companionship. For the strength and love she always has brought to me.
As we've gotten older, we are probably more alike now that we ever have been. My hair has long since gotten dark and we evened up in height a long time ago. Although now I think I am more the shy one and she isn't.
We dated together, married a year apart. We've been pregnant together and have shared many stories together as we raise our families and live our lives. Even tho we may not get to talk everyday anymore (although there are weeks that we are glued to the phone giggling like 13 year-olds again) she is still a huge source of strength to me. I guess you can call it that twin bond or something. Sometimes we can even just look at each other and know what we're thinking.
Thanks for sharing every birthday with me, Jenn. I love you and am so glad that you're my twin.
Happy Birthday, old woman!
Happy Birthday Erin!! Great post! Happy Birthday to your twin Jenn too :)
I love the pic of the two of you!!!! I totally thought you were the one on the right.
I am DEFINITELY glad y'all moved to this wierd, good ol' land of Georgia! HaPpY BirThDaY to two of the most awesome girls EVER! Loved this post...and LOVE love LoVe the pic!
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