Random facts are good!! It's these little things that makes us each, well, unique! Here are 15 unique ones from me... and once you've read them, write 15 of your own so I can read random things about each of you!
1. I always dreamed about being a concert pianist when I was young. I'm lucky if I get to play the piano once a week these days. :P (Although I still LOVE to play)
2. Rob and I have been married for almost 9 years. I still get butterflies...
3. I am a peacemaker...and avoid confrontation at almost all costs. I don't do well being put on the spot...especially if it's something emotional because...quite frankly...i cry ugly. Yes, ugly. I get a hysterical breathing pattern going (we've dubbed it the Mealey-cry as most of my sisters I believe have this horrible ugly cry too) and no one can understand me anyway, so I can't get what I want to say, to come out right. It's really sad. You don't want to see that. (No, really....you don't)
4. I tried sushi once and hated it. (yee-uck)
5. I still think it would be amazing to be a surrogate. And still think about the possibility of being one one day...
6. I really don't think I'm a very good cook. BUT, I have made great strides of improvement from when we were first married.
7. I love to sing, although I don't think I'm very good. It doesn't stop me tho. I usually have a song of some kind on my mind.
8. I want to be a nurse when I grow up (and am thinking about starting back to school).
9. I am not a morning person. I try really hard, but yeah...it doesn't happen.
10. My favorite color is green. I pink puffy heart olive greens especially.
11. I can crochet, knit (a very basic stitch), and sew. I just wish I had time to do them more...
12. I am pretty patient. Except when I'm not. :D
13. I love photoshop. Love love love it. I can get sucked into playing around in photoshop for hours.
14. I think texting is fun
15. I love my blackberry. Love it.
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago