Thursday, December 4, 2008

do I dare?

I'm afraid to say it for fear of jinxing myself (I have too many experiences with that), but I want to shout it from the rooftops at the same time.

I honestly thought he might actually go to college in diapers and the rate we were going. I finally gave up trying and decided I had to wait until he was ready. It's not easy tho, waiting. Thank goodness he didn't make me wait too long. :D


Gina said...

hooray for potty training!!!! I'm so anxious about p'ting this boy of mine - even though I have a long while to go yet (he's not even one). I've heard they are harder to train than girls...ugh!

Lammy said...

Merry Christmas slacker.
Don't you ever post to this thing????
HOw am I ever going to see what you are up to???