Sunday, April 1, 2007

out of the mouths of babes

A couple days ago, the Robby and I were discussing what we should have for lunch.
(me) "What about tuna?".

(robby) "No, I'm allergic to tuna".

(me) "You're allergic to tuna?? Since when?"

(robby) "since forever."

(me) "Do you know what allergic means?"

(robby) "It means you don't like it"

(me) "No, if you're allergic to something you get itchy eyes and throat, or a rash, etc"

(robby) "oh, like allergies right?"

Today the kids were picking out a movie to watch. Alexis was looking through the stack (the stack of "we're-too-lazy-to-put-them-back-in-their-cases" movies. She can sound out most words now so she was reading the title of one...

(alexis)"p-rrin-cess....... PRINCESS......di-a-rr-eee-as......DIARRHEAS. Mom! It's Princess Diarrheas!"

(me) "it's not diarrhea, it's diary............don't you know what diarrhea is??"

(alexis) "Ohh yeah...ewwwww." *blush and giggle*

I love those weirdos!


Anonymous said...

you got an award over at my place...
Check it out! :)

Anonymous said...

Hello! I followed a link to your blog from Lammy's blog. I LOVE your header! Very cool!

Anonymous said...

Great! I love conversations with kids. They can be so unwittingly hilarious.