Monday, April 13, 2009

It's that season again...

The one I visit several times a year where I try to get a good picture of the kids all together, as well as one with the family. (You may or may not recall this post)
But this year, I think we have SUCCESS!!! Maybe it's a fluke, but there was minimal photoshopping happening around here. :) That makes for one happy momma!

So without further ado, here are this year's Easter pictures! :)

The Howe Family 2009

The munchkins

The girlsies--Lexi, Haley and Linds

My little men--Robby and David

I'm in love with Hobby Lobby. I think I love every section in the store. Ok maybe not EVERY section, but I could wander in there for hours (and I have!). I found the fabric for the girls' dresses there and fell in love. Actually I had a horrible time picking out which fabrics to use! I already have a few more million ideas in my head of sewing projects. :D Now if I can just squeeze more time out of each day, I'll get there eventually. :)

Maybe next year, I'll make the boys matching ties. Maybe I should start now. :D


Famy of Boys said...

Great pics! I love the girls dresses but I already told you that!

Erin Noel said...

These pics of you guys are so great! Can you believe I forgot to take a pic of us in our Easter clothes? What's up with that?!

Jess said...

All the pictures are so adorable!!! Loren and I didn't take any kind of pictures.....

Lammy said...
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Lammy said...

I never realized how much you look like a lighter-haired version of MOM
You guys look divoon.

Tara said...

Great pictures! Love, Love, Love the dresses!!!! The boys look so much a like in their picture! Thanks for sharing!

Jamie said...

OMG beautiful pics E!!!!!

Mary Monster Mary said...

Wow! those dresses are so cute. You did a great job and your family is beautiful. I miss you guys.