Monday, November 24, 2008

Gobble Gobble

Thanksgiving is this week!!
I love Turkey Day! Being more consciously thankful for the many blessings in our lives. It's wonderful! And I have so much to be thankful for. I hope everyone will take the time to let those special people know how thankful you are for them.

I also love Turkey Day food. My favs are the turkey, cranberry sauce, and pecan pie. Yum! What are you favorite foods at Thanksgiving?

And lets not forget the good ol' Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Gosh I can remember watching that as a kid. I think my kids kind of get bored with it, but we watch it anyway! It's tradition!

Thanksgiving also means I can finally listen to my Christmas public. (Yes I've already been listening to it...I can't help it. It's my favorite!) Trans-Siberian Orchestra has to be my favorite. I've seen them twice in person and LOVED it. So, look them up and go see them. You know you want to. :) I don't think they're playing in Atlanta this year....ugh!

Speaking of Christmas, I feel so much more prepared for it this year than in previous years. It helps that I'm working part time now so the $ is a little easier to manage. But beyond that, I am really excited to see the kids' reactions with the gifts they're getting. I've got some handmade projects in the works and I'm so excited. I will post pics of some of them soon. It's really got me into a craft mood with sewing and painting and all that fun stuff. I think it's addicting...once you start you suddenly think of 20 other things you can make too. :D (Or at least I d0)

Well I better get off the computer. We're leaving tomorrow to visit Rob's parents. (Another T-day tradition). Happy Early Thanksgiving!! Don't eat too much! :)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

the frustration of 2

I have the hardest time with 2. (the age). The temper tantrums and potty training and learning to speak and all of that is FRUSTRATING. I know it's frustrating for the kid too, so I try to keep that in mind but lately I feel like I have to anticipate EVERYTHING for David or else suffer a massive meltdown. And it's exhausting.
This morning we were a little on the late side (well not late, but we had to rush a little more) and David couldn't find anything to wear that matched his brother (sometimes he's insistent on that). He also insists on dressing himself. Time was running short, and although he had gotten dressed, he didn't have his shoes on or his coat. So I had to just do it for him quickly so we weren't late for school. Thus begun the meltdown. Once the coat and shoes were on, I had to carry him to the car kicking and screaming. He of course was all worked up and wouldn't put on his buckle (another thing he usually insists on doing). So when I had to do it for him, he got even more upset. He cried and screamed all the way to the school and home again. Where he got mad at me for opening the van and unbuckling him (even tho he can't unbuckle himself).
Granted I know things do usually go smoother when we're not rushed, but even then if something sets him off, he gets so mad. And it just melts down. I get so frustrated by the degree of meltdown he's been having lately.
But you know, when he wants to be sweet, he just makes me melt. He can be such a sweet caring guy. I know we'll get through this stage, but can it be today?

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Reason #5260848402

Why you know you really do want a trampoline...
If you're having a really bad hair day, and all else fails...just go jump a few times an's a hairdo originale.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Oh I get it now!

I used to roll my eyes at all the "My child is an Honor Student" bumper stickers or any of the other obnixious "let-me-rub-in-your-face-how-cool-my-kid-is" stickers. (You know we have all seen them..) I would always joke that I wanted the one that says "My kid can beat up your honor student" just for grins. I thought I'd never be one of those parents. I mean puh-lease.

On Friday, Robby came home and proudly exclaimed "I GOT STUDENT OF THE MONTH!!!!" His expression was priceless. He was beaming with pride. And right in that instant, it clicked and I "got" the whole bumper sticker thing. I am so proud of my little guy. How can I not sport the sticker on my minivan? (and the eek face next to it was already there....although somehow it's suprisingly fitting.) :D

So now I'm one of those people you all roll your eyes at. But neener neener look how cool my kid is.