Sunday, December 31, 2006

So long 2006!

We got to spend a few days visiting my inlaws this past week. It's always fun seeing family, especially when you don't get to see them very often.
The kids had a FAB Christmas...I will try to get pictures up soon. It's the whole uploading and resizing that's taken me so long. :)
We did managed to get a pretty descent family picture taken while we were visiting the family. As a gift to MIL and FIL, all the kids chipped in for us to have a big family portrait done. They were thrilled since their last family picture was taken LOOOOONG ago. It was nice, and even more nice that we got to have our little family's picture taken as well!

As 2006 comes to an end, I find myself looking back on all the things that has happened to our little family. We started off the year with a new addition to our family. David will turn one on Jan. 4th. We moved house in May....Lexi started Kindergarten in August. Robby got glasses, Haley...well what can you say...Haley is 2, and life's never dull with a 2 year old. :)
I'm particularly thankful for my family and friends who've always been my support system. I am looking forward to 2007 with all of you!
Ohh I think I'll try to make a little "montage" of 2006 and post it here. Stay tuned :D
Happy New Year!

Monday, December 18, 2006

It's been HOW LONG??!!!?!

It only took the third person pointing out to me that almost a month has past since I've last written on here. Shame on me, right!?!?

Well a little update on the last month. We had a great Thanksgiving. We spent it home this year and celebrated with my family. It's always fun to get together with family. Of course Thanksgiving being over meant that I could finally listen to Christmas music out in the open!! :)
Rob and I got to see TSO (Trans-Siberian Orchestra) in concert and it was FABULOUS!! I think I've convinced him that we should go EVERY year. I could definately make that a tradition!

The Christmas season has been hectic! Between church parties and school parties, and throw in a little life in general in there, and it has just been crazy. At least this year we are ahead as far as gifts go, and I got my Christmas cards out on time! (is it cheating if I made photo card in photoshop?? it just makes life so easy!!).

Despite the hectic times, Christmas remains my favorite time of year. (and no, not for the presents..although who doesn't like presents!?!). I really enjoy the lights, the sounds, usually the cold weather (it was 75 today tho...totally killing my christmas mood), I love it all. It always comes too fast and is over before we know it. I'm trying to enjoy this last week before Christmas, and am trying to cram as much holiday-ness as I possibly can (read: CHRISTMAS TREATS!!!) :) After all, what's Christmas without a little divinity and gingerbread men. mmm.

Oh, and here are 2 shares. First is our Christmas card...I'm a little biased, but I think it turned out cute. And the second share is ornaments that I made. Total out of pocket cost was less that $2. I already had all the ribbons!