When Lexi was about 8 months old, she was pulling up to a stand against things. We were visitng my inlaws. MIL had a wooden box (for lack of a better description) that served kind of as a coffee table. Lexi pulled up to standing next to the box and bent down to chew on it (like babies do). She lost her balace and fell, and ripped her tooth out. I think it was more traumatic for me, and even more tramatic for MIL. As soon as we gave her a wet washcloth to chew on, Lexi wasn't even crying. We debated taking her to a dentist, but figured since it was a baby tooth, there was really nothing that could be done, and so we didn't. So ever since then she's had a gap where the tooth should be. I kept telling myself to make her a dentist appt to make find out if things were ok, but it just kept getting put off. A couple months ago she lost her very first tooth (right next to her gap). It was another reminder to have the missing one checked out, but yet again I forgot about it.
But....low and behold, there is a tooth coming in in the empty spot!!!!!!! I'm so happy! One less thing to worry about!
This Saturday’s Recipes by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago