Time has once again slipped by. It's already August. Where has this whole year gone? School started last week and this year I have 3 in school. That's just weird. David isn't used to it and gets kinda lonely. But on the other hand, he's loving the extra attention he gets. :) Alexis had her 7th birthday last Friday. Holy moly she's SEVEN. When did that happen again? Seems like just yesteday I brought her home from the hospital. Next year she gets baptized. It is all happening too fast. She is very mature for her age (I guess it comes partly from being the oldest of many too). She is a big helper, and a great little mommy. She loves anything Hannah Montana and High School Musical. She is easy going and just a lot of fun.
Robby will be 6 next month. He is in Kindergarten this year and so far has been enjoying it. He's already had to miss 2 days because of illness. Gotta love the germs you get from school. :D Football starts next week for him also, and he is beyond excited to play. He is obsessed with transformers and batman currently, but still like Spiderman and tho he probably wouldn't admit it, he still will watch some good ol' buzz lightyear. He is still very much a momma's boy. I can always count on a snuggle from him.
Haley is 4 and in preK this year. She LOVES school and has looked forward to going for quite some time. She is very much into the barbies and princess stuff, although she will play cars and dinosaurs with her brothers just as easily. She is very independent, and will be off in her own little world at times. I like watching her when she doesn't know that I am. It's fun to see how she plays on her own.
David is, well 2. I must admit I think this is the hardest age (to date) for me. I'll give my little man credit tho, the tantrums are getting fewer, and we have made small progress in the potty training deparment. And when he wants to be, he is the sweetest funniest little guy. He has an infectious laugh and says the funniest stuff. He's had to adjust with the older 3 in school but it hasn't been too bad. He still gets to play with Linds.
Linds is 9 months old now. She is taking lots of steps now and is growing so fast. She waves and says mama and dah-dah and loves to babble and blow raspberries. She is overall a very happy baby, but she has horrible sleep habits (which are in part my own fault....or all my fault LOL). She is a momma's girl too, but does on occasion let other people hold her. Although now that she's walking, she wants down to run after her siblings.
And so I'll leave you all with pictures on the first day of school. I know I'm falling very behind in posting here, and I'll try to be better. I need to get Lexi's birthday pictures up too. There are just never enough hours in a day. :)