Sunday, December 16, 2007

fight tough stains!

This past week when I went grocery shopping, I bought some oxy-clean. Alexis saw it on the counter and said to Robby, "Mom bought fights tough stains!" They thought it was the coolest thing.

And tonight after Lindsey had a blow-out diaper, I set her dirty clothes on my bed while I changed her. Alexis noticed the dirty clothes and told me, "Mom, you need to use the oxy-clean on those".

But on a side note, all the nice mustard-colored poop came out after soaking it in oxy clean! My new best friend! (I'm easily amused:D)


Anonymous said...

I love hearing little kid conversations. We just got your cute card today. Thanks so much. I swear you need to have you're own photography studio or somehting. I love the pictures you take! My kids were very excited to see their friends faces again. :)

Anonymous said...

You didn't know about this amazing product!!??! I have been using it since before John was born. We do baby oxy clean for his stuff. Works wonders!!!! I have the powder and the spray :)

Lexi is too cute btw :D