Lammy tagged me, and hey it's still Monday!! :D
1) Five Minutes to Yourself. How would you spend them, ideally?
5 minutes?
hmmmm I see it involving chocolate (the non-caloric kind :P)
2) Five dollars to spend right now. How would you spend it?
Since we're out, probably some diet cherry coke. mmmm and some of of the same chocolate mentioned above.
3) Five Items In Your House You Could Part With Right Now?
The mountain of laundry
A certain 2 year old (ha ha only kidding)
Crayons or any other writing instrument in the house for that matter (rolly eyes)
Trash, and while we're dreaming, could it take itself out???!
Did I mention laundry?
4) Five Items In My House You Could Absolutely Never Part With?
my family :D
hmm maybe my cellphone to talk to my family.
5) Five Words You Love?
honestly, cashews, eternity, prosperity, schhhweeeet!
And the second meme:
1. Favorite memory of your mother:
We brought homemade lunches to school And while we probably protested about not being able to be like the cool kids and buy school luches, we were really the lucky ones. My mom would write little notes to us and would always sign her little "face" that she draws. I swear it should be copyrighted for her. I love it. She still draws that same face when she writes us notes now. She also would suprise us with COLORED bread on certain occations. For St. Patty's day we had green, Valentines would be pink, Halloween might be orange. Our friends thought that was pretty cool.
2. Favorite memory of my dad:
All the songs that we sang on any car trip--no matter the length. Also making Gorilla Cheese Sammiches (and my kids so affectionaly call it the same)
3. Favorite memory of your sibling(s):
I have a few small memories from the trip to the lake with all of us before Emily died. I was only 5 then, so they aren't very detailed. Another memory that comes to mind is Disney Land. We each got paired up with another sibling (the olders with the smallers). I got paired up with Leslie and Aaron. Leslie was pg so Aaron would ride the coasters with me again and again and again. Poor Les! :D
4. What one skill would you like to wake up tomorrow and be able to do (though you'd never learned it):
Cook like my momma hahahaha.
5. Which one of your dreams has come true:
Getting married and having a family.